Time for an update!
Studio has undergone a few changes and investments: new monitors and new headphones. They were necessary and I don't regret because I invested in quality items that will definitely help me hear things the way they should.
First track to come out of this new setup is a remix contest track for ZENZILE band. I've loved this band since their debuts a long time ago and followed them through all their changes. My love for this band was the only motivation when I started this remix contest. At first I wasn't sure of where I was going with it and I wasn't even sure I would finish it... but with the new setup I was able to really enjoy the ride and I'm really happy with the final result. You'll be able to hear it soon on ZENZILE's special player. I try not to think too much about it, but I really hope they'll like it...
I've started working on new [P.U.T] tracks with my brothers and I'm super excited about them. LiB has submitted 2 really intense tracks which are really inspiring. And the boys seemed to like my track too.
Being back in the band I started with LiB in 1998, even if it's only for the creation process, is something I've been really looking for since I decided to take a break that lasted 10 years! Now, the 3 brothers are on board! So we'll see where it goes, but I'm sure it will be a good trip.
I'm still working on this other guitar oriented project called daark.wav. But my quest for the perfect guitar tone never seems to end as I keep changing it all the time! But I've learnt a lot about mixing and I think I'm close to where I want to be. The remix for Abdomens Tribute Volume 2 should be the first track to be unleashed... once I have revisited it at least another 30th time! Yann seemed to like it a lot and spotted the common references that I had put there for him... and that's already an achievement I'm happy with!
LiB asked for a new garlic.wav track and he'll get one. He wants to celebrate 25 years of POGO Records with a comp. I have an album worth of tracks bits that need to be recorded, so I'll probably just pick one and finish it... maybe it will help me finish that album! who knows?
You probably got it: tons of ideas and projects + a family to take care of + an intense job means = I need longer days!!!